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What to build with Stackr?

Ideas and wishlists

This section assumes basic knowledge of the Stackr's stack & micro-rollups. We highly recommend reading through the Micro-Rollups section as to better match the mental models of how the ideas listed in this section can be built as micro-rollups.

But, first…

Why build micro-rollups?

Micro-Rollups are essentially sufficiently decentralised backends. Building your application or a sidecar to an existing application(read Utility Modes) on a micro-rollup offers you the following benefits —

Free from the shackles of a Virtual Machine.

Micro-Rollups enable truly single-app rollups. Your application's business logic is the state transition function of the rollup. This is unlike to other approaches like deploying a permissioned EVM rollup and building your app in Solidity on the rollup for sovereign block space. With Stackr’s micro-rollups, the developers get to design and build their applications in general purpose programming languages, free from the constraints of a specialised VM.

Verifiable compute & sturdy security guarantees.

Micro-Rollups albeit being an off-chain execution environment provide security guarantees through verifiable compute. All the computations of the MRU are verified by Vulcan (Stackr’s Verification Layer) before being settled on the L1. This introduces security guarantees that are superior to sovereign rollups.

On top of that, micro-rollup once deployed on-chain can not arbitrarily change to logic of execution. This assures the users that the application can not arbitrarily change the rules of the system.

Efficiency for high-throughput use-cases.

A micro-rollup for your app is your own sovereign execution environment, with configurable parameters for block time and block size. Developers can decide to set a block time in milliseconds and run the micro-rollup in a beefy server to be able to effectively handle massive throughput, without competing with other applications for the sacred block space.

On-chain apps, supercharged.

Micro-Rollups settle the state root of the application on the L1, which makes it compatible with on-chain apps built in Solidity on the L1 and other L2s. The state root can be used to verify state of the rollup on the L1 and other apps can leverage that to build on-chain experiences integrated with the L1.

Now that the developers are well-versed on the benefits of building a micro-rollup, let’s dive into specific use-cases and ideas that we think are a good fit to be built with Stackr’s SDK.

Projects & Ideas

On-chain Apps

  1. Payments
    1. Transfers
    2. Streaming
    3. Micro-payments (smol money)
  2. Frames
    • Games
    • P2P Swaps
    • Verifiable Polls
    • Token Distribution
    • Prediction Market
  3. Games
    1. Simulation Engines
    2. Autonomous worlds
    3. In-game assets
  4. DeFi protocols
    1. Lending/Borrowing
    2. DEX
    3. LST
    4. Airdrops
    5. Prediction Markets
  5. NFT protocols
  6. DAOs and Governance

On-chain Infrastructure

  1. Identity Protocols
  2. Programmable VMs — write your own OPCODES and program the micro-rollup to process them.
  3. Oracles
  4. Shared Sequencers
  5. Account Abstraction and Intents
    • Solver Marketplace
    • Decentralised Bundler
    • Unified Mem-pool
    • Keystore Rollup
  6. Attestations
    • Reputation Systems
    • Point Systems
    • Engagement score on social graphs
    • Credit score for DeFi
  7. Two sided Marketplaces — use-cases where you need to match a seller and a buyer.
  8. Social Media Protocols
  9. On-chain Agents
  10. AI/ML use-cases


  1. dRPC
  2. Storage
  3. Compute
  4. IoT
  5. Indexers

Micro-Rollups are such a foundational building block for your applications that the only limit of what can be built with micro-rollups is your imagination.

All set

Proceed to the Zero-to-One section to start building your very own Micro-Rollups!